National Service Scheme (NSS)

The National Service Scheme: A Legacy of Community Engagement and Youth Development The National Service Scheme (NSS), a flagship program of the Indian government, stands as a testament to the nation’s commitment to youth development and community upliftment. Initiated in 1969 by the Ministry of Education and Culture, in collaboration with State Governments, the NSS…

National Cadet Corps (NCC)

National Cadet Corps (NCC) – NGM College, Pollachi The National Cadet Corps (NCC) at NGM College, Pollachi, provides a transformative experience for students, rooted in a rich history of service and leadership development. The NCC’s origins can be traced back to the “University Corps,” established under the Indian Defence Act of 1917. This initial initiative…



Mission: To provide a supportive and confidential environment where students can address personal, academic, and emotional challenges, fostering their holistic well-being and academic success.


Vision: To cultivate a culture of mental health awareness and resilience within the college community, empowering students to thrive in both their academic and personal lives.



  1. Support: Offer empathetic and non-judgmental support to students facing various challenges, including academic stress, personal relationships, mental health issues, and career concerns.
  2. Education: Provide resources and workshops to raise awareness about mental health, stress management, conflict resolution, and other relevant topics, equipping students with valuable skills for self-care and personal development.
  3. Crisis Intervention: Offer immediate assistance and referrals for students in crisis, ensuring timely access to appropriate resources and support services both within and outside the college.
  4. Advocacy: Advocate for mental health awareness and destigmatization, promoting a culture of acceptance, understanding, and inclusivity within the college community.
  5. Collaboration: Collaborate with faculty, staff, and external stakeholders to create a supportive ecosystem that prioritizes student well-being and fosters a conducive learning environment.
  6. Evaluation and Improvement: Continuously evaluate the effectiveness of counseling services and programs through feedback mechanisms, data analysis, and benchmarking against best practices, striving for continuous improvement and innovation.

Yoga Therapy Centre


Department of Human Excellence inaugurated NGM Yoga Therapy Centre  at NGM College, Pollachi. An inaugural ceremony of the NGM Yoga Therapy Centre was held on 21.02.2018 in VivekanandarArangam with the dignitaries of our president Dr.B.K.Krishnaraj Vanavarayar, NGM College,Pollachi, Chief guest, Dr. Arivazhagan, Director, Institute of Yoga & Naturopathy, Mr.S.Ragunathan Manager (Administration) NGM College,Pollachi, Faculty members & Students.


Our vision is to offer a Centre for healing that focuses both on physical and mental health, through yoga therapy, kinesiology, and counseling services; a safe and supportive space for all people, regardless of age, race, gender identity or physical ability.   We are committed to our clients, helping each individual improve their condition and live their life to the fullest.


  • Our mission is to provide high-quality care, education and support through therapeutic exercise, yoga, mindfulness and counseling services, helping each individual adopt tools for self-care for student’s community.
  • Our mission is to establish yoga as a recognized and respectable therapy for various conditions. 
  • The overall goal is for the individual to attain knowledge, motivation and empowerment to better themselves. 
  • NGM Yoga Therapy Center supports the continual research and education in the field of yoga.


  • To incorporate both the elements of physical therapy and psychotherapy to treat existing mental and physical health issues.  Yoga is great for the body and mind balance and prevents stress which leads to potential health issues.
  • To improve many health conditions through yoga therapy.  These include anxiety, asthma, back pain, chronic fatigue, depression, heart conditions & hypertension.
  • To develop innovative new ways for Yoga Therapists to implement Yoga Therapy treatments to ease or directly treat specific conditions.  The yoga techniques can range from simple pranayama practice to advanced and can be enjoyed by people of all ages and physical background.
  • To increase productivity, self- control, Mental & Physical Hygiene peace and harmony to the community.





A Platform to nurture the budding entrepreneurs to promote self-employment


Identifying and nurturing students and guiding them to become self-starting skilled technocrats.

To create Entrepreneurial culture in the Institution.

Objectives of the Club

Organizing Entrepreneurship Awareness Camps, Entrepreneurship Development Programmes.
Arranging visits to industries for prospective entrepreneurs.
Preparing proposal to grant from the government agency to promote entrepreneurship in the Campus.
Guiding and Assisting students on various aspects such as preparing project reports, obtaining project approvals, loans and facilities from agencies of support systems and information on various technologies.
Providing testing, calibration, quality assurance, design, tool room, pilot plant and other facilities for Entrepreneurs besides expertise in Intellectual Property rights, Patents search, etc.
Providing students, the professional and Industry exposure.
Guiding students regarding the various government schemes to support entrepreneurship.
To create an environment for self-employment and entrepreneurship development through teaching and training programmes.
To develop management personnel at appropriate levels for the non-corporate and unorganized sectors like retail, rural development, small-scale industry etc.
To promote employment opportunities through skill development.




                 The objective of the club is to educate and motivate the Consumer Awareness Club Members about the rights and responsibilities of consumers and to create awareness to the students about the consumer related issues and make them clever consumer.


  • Empowering students to become responsible
  • Educating students about Consumer


  • To educate the students about the rights of the
  • To enhance awareness among the students about the duties of the
  • To impart knowledge about consumer complaint



Vision and Mission

Ensure equitable access and inclusive opportunities for economically backward, vulnerable, and disabled groups of students, staff and other stakeholders.

Promote, create, and establish knowledge and information management to raise awareness on issues related to equal opportunity. Empower people to explore and resolve discrimination complaints through alternative dispute resolution processes to eliminate all forms of discrimination.

The main objective of the Equal Opportunity Cell is to help and empower the persons with disabilities, students to participate fully in the academic, intellectual, social and cultural life of College on an equal basis.

Green society


As a part V in our college curriculum Green society wing is functioning, its main aim is to holistic approach towards environment and students are involved to create awareness on environmental issues through various activities like tree plantation and understanding importance of medicinal plants.

Vision: “Empowering a Sustainable Tomorrow”

Mission: “At the Green Society Wing, we are committed to fostering a holistic approach towards the environment. Our mission is to inspire, educate, and engage students in creating a greener, healthier future.


  • Increase awareness about environmental issues among students through regular campaigns.
  • Conduct annual tree plantation drives and maintain a record of campus biodiversity.
  • Educate students about the importance of medicinal plants through workshops and a campus garden.
  • Provide practical experiences through environmental monitoring activities.



Fine arts club was established during the academic year 2014. Fine arts club provides the opportunity for the students to let their imagination run wild and provides them with the sight to see things in a different way. Students learn from one another and share their talents in different aspects of art. Through this club, many students were given opportunities to train themselves on painting, pencil art, classical dance, instrumental play like guitar & keyboard and vocal music.


The Fine arts club will educate and create the students across its various units and with disciplines across the university, as well as the local, regional and global communities through creative exploration, interdisciplinary , education, public engagement and global experience.


  • Our mission is to encourage students to express their thoughts, feelings and creativity through the various visual arts forms.
  • To tap the inherent talents and potential of student communities at all levels of life. 
  • Our institution intents to uphold the merits of the students and to expose them to higher order society who would in turn bring laurels to institution by constant motivation and encouragement. 
  • To develop the skills essential for professional competence.



அருட்செல்வா் மாணவா் சிந்தனை மன்றம்

                      பொள்ளாச்சியில் பண்பாட்டுச்  சிறப்பு மிக்க நல்லமுத்துக்கவுண்டா் மகாலிங்கம் கல்லூாியின் வைரவிழாவினை முன்னிட்டு பலரும் பயன்படும் வகையில் சமுதாய நற்பணிகள் செய்யும் நோக்கில் கல்லூாித்தலைவாிடம் அனுமதி பெற்று மாணவா்களால் தன்னெழுச்சியாகத் தொடங்கப்பட்டது மாணவா் சிந்தனை மன்றம்.  பொள்ளாச்சியின் வளா்ச்சிக்கு அரும்பணியாற்றிய கல்லூாி நிறுவனா் டாக்டா் அருட்செல்வா் அவா்களின் பெயாில் கல்லூாி முதல்வா் முனைவா் பொ.மா.பழனிசாமி அவா்களின் முன்னிலையில் 23.10.2017 அன்று அறிமுகம் செய்து வைக்கப்பட்டது. தற்பொழுது அனைத்துத் துறை மாணவா்களையும் ஒருங்கிணைத்துத் துறை சாராத கல்லூாி  அளவிலான அமைப்பாக ஆறாண்டுகளைக் கடந்து செயல்பட்டு வருகிறது.

                 ”எல்லா உயிா்களும் இன்புற்று வாழ வேண்டும்” என்னும் வள்ளலாாின் தாரக மந்திரத்தை மனதில் கொண்டு இயங்கும் இயக்கமாக  அருட்செல்வா் மாணவா் சிந்தனை மன்றம் செயல்பட்டு வருகிறது. மேலும் இம்மன்றம் சமுதாயப்  பணிகளிலும், கல்லூாி மாணவா்களின் வளா்ச்சிப்  பணிகளிலும் ஈடுபட்டு திறம்பட  பணியாற்றி வருகிறது. தற்பொழுது  PART – V  எனப்படும் கல்லூாிப் பாடத்திட்டத்துடனும் இணைக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.