Department of Commerce

The department of commerce came into being in the year 1995 to offer quality education in commerce in this region. The department has crossed several milestones in achieving remarkable academic progress. The department caters to all round development of the students, both technically and professionally.


  • Offers quality education.
  • Produces the graduates, fundamentally strong in accounting and commerce principles.
  • New initiatives taken have linkages with the corporate world for facilitating institute- industry tie-up.

Commerce is a versatile subject of study as it is perceived to be fairly strong in fetching jobs in the business- trade – industry sector. B.Com. programme still continues to be the fancy of students at all levels and the popularity scale is rising unabatedly. The autonomous status of the college facilitated revitalization of commerce programme to make the curriculum need- specific and purpose oriented.


  • Ph.D. Awarded Staff – 6
  • M.Phil. Awarded Staff- 8
  • Pursuing Ph.D. – 2