Department of Zoology

The department of biology existed in our college right from its inception from 1957. Our department is a dynamic modern school of biological studies with a reputation of rigorous academic standards innovation and excellence in teaching and research. Our course was completely revamped keeping in view the requirements of students both in their higher studies and job markets. We have dedicated team of staff members with an attitude of encouraging and innovating, providing an environment of professional learning and development and creating values for students through sustained academic growth and skill orientation. Zoology was thought as a subject to the students of pre university course with the introduction of B Sc. Botany, Zoology has been offered as an ancillary subject To the students of botany major from 1972. The B.Sc. Degree in Zoology was introduced in 1982. A variety of teaching and learning techniques has been employed to impart knowledge and skills to students. Alumni in of our department have made their marks in various institutions around the world.