PG Department of English

The Postgraduate Department of English was started on 16th July, 2001. Since its inception it has been nurtured with great commitment and dedication. The Department has been a successful and vibrant collective of the best academics specialized in the areas of New Literatures, Language Sciences, English Language Education and Media Studies. The syllabus is an eclectic blend of papers from different knowledge areas – literary and non literary, revised annually to keep abreast of the changing trends in the contemporary scenario. The staff and students progressively involve in research activities and are continually evolving. The department has crossed a decade with remarkable milestones to its credit.

The primary goal of the curriculum  of the department is to promote literacy, including technological literacy. Literacy which involves reading, writing, and critical thinking enriches personal lives. It  helps students become responsible, contributing members of a democracy; increases both self-expression and the understanding of others in a global society; and encourages life long learning. Literacy skills are essential and teachable.The faculty use both traditional and contemporary teaching methods and modern technology to prepare students for a successful career. Students leave the literature classes with improved skills that help them reach their personal and professional goals.

Approach to English Language and Literature is not purely an academic exercise. Learning is made a pleasurable activity by helping the students identify their talents and showcase their aesthetic taste. Learner centered teaching and interactive pedagogy adopted by the department optimizes knowledge acquisition and assimilation. The students trained to cater to the contemporary academic and industrial needs are placed in educational institutions and corporate sectors. Staff qualified in NET/SET offer guidance to the students to enable them to clear these eligibility tests.