Department of Information Technology

ABOUT THE DEPARTMENT The U.G Department of Information Technology was established in the year of June 2008 with two faculty members. In the year of June 2010, faculty strength was fulfilled. In that two faculty members qualified SET, one qualified NET and one qualified both SET & NET. Our department takes pride in its outstanding…


INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY  & INSTITUTIONS INNOVATION COUNCIL COMMEMORATION OF 75th INDEPENDENCE HEALTH AND WELLNESS QUIZZ PROGRAMME Date : 23.02.2023 Programme schedule Prayer song Quizz Master : N. Dharshini Student Co-ordinator : V. Thamarai Manalan Organizer: Mr. K. Vijayakumar (HOD) Felicitation : Dr. R. Muthukumaran (Principal) Price Announcement : 3.30 – 4.30 pm Venue : Prof. M.…