‘An Expert talk on Process of Innovation Development, Technology Readiness Level (TRL);Commercialization of Lab Technologies & Tech- Transfer

PG and Research Department of Botany and Institution Innovation Council jointly
organized a one day Expert Talk on ‘‘An Expert talk on Process of Innovation Development,
Technology Readiness Level (TRL); Commercialization of Lab Technologies & Tech- Transfer’
‘on 2nd February 2024 at PG Botany classroom, NGM College, Pollachi. The welcome address
was given by Dr. R. Rakkimuthu, Assistant Professor and Head, PG and Research Department of
Botany. The Expert Talk brought together over 40 participants from PG Departments of Botany
and PG Department of Chemistry NGM College. The seminar was handled by resource person
Dr. V. Prabhu Assistant Professor Department of PG Chemistry. He delivered a lecture on
Innovation Development, Technology Readiness Level (TRL); Commercialization of Lab
Technologies’. He clearly explained that biological research starts at the beginning to identify a
potential drug and includes characterization of the novelty and application of the invention in
patent claims and screening of compounds. He says Patent claims is serve to protect the
intellectual property associated with a pharmaceutical product, including its chemical
composition, formulation, method of use, and any other novel features. Strong patent claims
provide the patent holder with exclusivity, preventing competitors from manufacturing, selling,
or using the patented invention without authorization. The seminar provided an interactive
atmosphere between the resource persons and the participants.