Professional Training Programme for Teaching and Non-Teaching Faculty on “Yoga the Way of Life”
Event date (Start)
November 8, 2022
Organized by
Department of Human Excellence
Nature of Participants
Teaching and Non-Teaching Staffs
Department of Human Excellence
Event date (End)
08/11/2022 12:00 am
No of Participants
ArulJothi Arangam
Name of the Resource Person
Dr. T.T. Shanmugavelu, M.S, F.A.I.S, F.I.C.A, Sky senior Professor
On November 08, 2022, the Department of Human Excellence organized a one-day Professional Development Programme with the theme “Yoga the way of Life” As the chief speaker, Dr.T.T.Shanmugavelu, SKY Yoga senior professor in Hossur, spoke about basics of yoga, Health awareness, peace of mind for the benefit of the faculty members body, mind and the spirit. More than 40 Teaching &Non-Teaching Faculty from various departments took part in this session and benefited from it.